Monday, September 19, 2011

Black and White

I decided to do an entire post with black and white photos.  No real reason why, I just wanted to :)
And in case you are wondering, they look nice in color too!

The M. Family met me at Como Lake for a family session, including their dog.  I love it when people want their dogs in their family photos, probably because it makes me feel a bit less crazy for doing it.

Here I was hoping for a cute "boy and his dog" photo, but this guy wasn't into it.  I still think it's cute though!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

August Gnats

August 31, 2011 was a pretty nice day to end the month, as well as a great day for family and maternity photos.  One thing I will remember about that day were the crazy number of gnats that were out!  They were everywhere!!  I learned some new editing skills from this photo shoot - gnat deleting skills :)

The K. family was so great, even little man L. did well having to deal with the bugs.  I'm so lucky to have them as neighbors!

This little guy is ready to meet his baby brother!

A lot of gnats were lost in the post production of this photo...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Minnehaha Falls

After a busy weekend of photo shoots and yard work I am finally catching up on my editing!  This photo session was a bit over two weeks ago with the adorable guy W. and his parents at Minnehaha Falls.  I hadn't been to "the falls" since college and the whole light rail business threw me off a bit.  But I managed to find it and it was a great spot for photos, and a popular one too!  I think every other person I saw was holding a camera :)

On the move!!

W. selecting his ice cream choice...

Not sure about this cold stuff!

Possible holiday card??  ;)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

County Fair Birthday

You can't beat a fair themed birthday party in the summer!!  This party was to celebrate the 1st birthday for a handsome little guy.  He probably won't remember his party but I'm pretty sure everyone who came will!  I'm thinking there may be a party planning career in the making ;)

And we don't want to forget why such a fun party was being held!
The birthday boy and his fair tickets!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


This is Patch!  He is a 10 yr old Rat Terrier looking for a home through SDR (Small Dog Rescue).  He's got one cloudy eye but that doesn't hold him back, he is full of life and such a sweetheart!  And he has some really cool coloring - reminds me of a little cow.

I couldn't help posting this one :)

Check out the Small Dog Rescue site!  Patch is listed there as well as other dogs that need loving homes!!

My Son's Other Favorite Family

My 2.5 yr old son loves the R. Family!  I think he may have his eye on the daughter of the group since he talks about her all the time and when he sees her he acts all awkward like rolling on the floor, growling - typical "I like you" signs from a boy  :)

When I took photos of the R. Family I brought my rambunctious 2.5 yr old to see his crush, but he immediately fell in love with the cat and then the squirt guns!  Oh well.

To start off I wanted to share a couple where my kid thought he was part of the family...

Enough of that, especially since my son has learned to not look at the camera.

Back to the reason for this post - the R. Family!  Did I forget to mention there was a horse and dog involved too?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Doris A. Kemp Park

I thought I'd share a few photos of the Doris A. Kemp Park in Champlin, MN since that is where I will be doing mini sessions on Oct 15th.  It is a small park but has a variety of backgrounds to work with - the perfect set-up for a limited time photo session!

(The small human in the top left photo is mine)

I took these photos while out for a walk with my little family and I was a bit distracted by my dog throwing up and then eating grass, and I'm talking eating grass in a serious cow-like way!  I suppose that part of the story really isn't important except to say life is always an adventure!  And also, my dog appears to be fine now.

If you wanted to review the mini session info here it is (the 9am and 10am slots have been filled):

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Love Mini Doxies!

I just love doxies!!  I may be just a little biased since I am the proud parent of a mini doxie :)  But really, who wouldn't love one - I mean just look at them!

Barron and Schnitzel are two bonded doxies looking for a home together.  They are some of the mini-est mini dachshunds I have ever seen!  And oh, so sweet.  Check out their adoption info and you too can have a couple of snuggle bugs of your own!

In case you are wondering which is which, Barron (male) is the red long-haired, and Schnitzel (female) is the black and tan short-haired.

That Schnitzel loves to run!