About Me

Hi, I'm Kirsten, the owner and photographer of KME Photography LLC based in the Twin Cities area (that would be Minnesota if you aren't familiar).  Thank you for visiting my website!

So you want me to take some photos for you?  It's only fair that you know a little about me first.  I'm not a writer (maybe that's why I like taking pictures), but I love lists and I think I'm pretty good at bullet points so....

10 Things About Kirsten
  • I'm an ENFJ.  (In case you don't know Meyers Briggs that means I'm Extroverted, iNtuitive, Feeling and a Judger.  The "judger" part just means I like to make lists.) 
  • My business is named after my initials, KME.  I figured I'd save you from having to try and pronounce my last name (Eitreim).  Kirsten is hard enough!   
  • I have broken my right wrist twice - once doing gymnastics on the school playground and the other speedskating.  It works fine, but I get nervous about falling on it again.
  • I have 2 super cute kids and a cute little weiner dog and pretty awesome hubby too!
  • In my previous life, I mean the one before I had kids, I was an environmental engineer.  
  • I'm a bit of a workout junkie and enjoy running road races, spin class, yoga class, kettlebells and recently TRX.
  • I love Saratoga Springs, NY and I think everyone should visit there.  Seriously go, any time of the year.
  • I try to plant a vegetable garden every year.
  • I love Roald Dahl books.
  • I volunteer for the Small Dog Rescue of MinnesotaSecondhand Hounds, Happy Tails Rescue (as well as others!) taking photos of some of the dogs needing homes, so if you are looking for a sweet little dog I may be able to hook you up!

I look forward to working with you!!

About Me photos by Peace Love Babies (www.peace-love-babies.com) and
Sunny Days Photography (www.SunnyDaysPhoto.com)