It's a new year, which to some means resolution time. One of my "resolutions" was to go to bed earlier, meaning at a somewhat decent hour since midnight just does not seem to cut it for some reason. The problem is, that is MY time! The kids are finally sleeping, it is quiet, I can finally get something done.
Things just seem to get out of hand the longer I work...
10pm, working but I should probably go to bed
1030pm, just a few more edits
11pm, what about that blog post
Pinterest! Yes, by this time I am not functioning and have no idea what I am doing on the computer. I should have been in bed an hour ago!
My brain gives up around 11pm and all it wants are pretty things to look at, and fun crafts and baking ideas that I will never end up doing - but I might, right? Oh, Pinterest...
Needless to say, going to bed earlier has not happened. Maybe I need to aim for going to bed later to trick myself.
If you made a new year's resolution I hope you have better determination then I do! And if you made a "get in shape" type of resolution then these photos are motivation for you!! Emily Nowlan of
Your B.E.S.T. Fitness is a supermom and she looks the part too! Two gorgeous girls and abs that conceal any hint of being stretched while pregnant. I guess she knows what she's doing!
If you made it this far you get an outtake shot! How do you take photos in a studio with no windows and you didn't bring a studio light set-up? A fabulous assistant named Lori, your speedlight, and a reflector. Plus a few trial and error shots!