Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mmmm, Cake

Little Miss A. is turning one soon and her mom is going to be sending out some pretty cute invites to that party - if I do say so myself ;)  This little girl couldn't get any cuter and we ended the session with a fun taste of frosting!

When I posted a sneak peek from this session on Facebook there were so many comments about the cake, which is absolutely beautiful!  During the session I did ask mom how she decorated it (yes she made it!) and said she used the 1M decorating tip and then just swirled it around to make the pretty flower pattern.  Cute photos and baking tips, that's what I'm here for!

Doxie Faces

I tend to use my dog a lot to mess around with lighting.  She's a pretty good sport overall, but some of the faces I got today were pretty funny!  Of course I didn't get any "I'm excited to be here looks", but at least she stayed put.  

I did a quick set-up using a fun new backdrop from LemonDrop Stop, which I still need to mess with a bit, so please ignore the inconsistent lighting.  I think this is a fun backdrop to have available and as a bonus, this company is local to me so I could just drive and pick it up!!

I love the way her ears flip back :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Newest Newborn

This title may be confusing.  What I mean by it is that these photos are of my most recent newborn session, not my newest newborn in age.  Although this sweet little guy was only 6 days old, so I guess he is my most *new* newborn to date!  He even arrived a little early and was over 8 lbs!  Nice job baby, and keep it up :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

My 3 Year Old!

Warning- This a completely personal post, mostly with photos of my kids!
I officially have a 3 year old and to celebrate I got together with a photographer friend of mine from Sunny Days Photography who managed to find a fun old truck (OK it's her dad's), and we set off to an old barn area to get some photos of our kids.

My 3 year old couldn't get enough of that truck!!

My kids waiting for the show to start...

A happy 3 year old!

I wanted a cape for these photos but my son doesn't like things around his neck, but I did manage a few shots.  The cape is super cute and was made by a friend, so if you are interested in something like this let me know and I can send you her way!

I can't decide which version I like better!

My son's buddy  :)

She finally got her turn in the truck.

Facial expressions of a 3 year old who is done with pictures!

Yep, we even brought our dog!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Photographer Friends

I am lucky to have some great friends, and among them I have some great photographer friends!  What is especially wonderful about photographer friends is that they will do anything for a great photo.  So when I asked my friend from Peace Love Babies to help me out with a couple of signs from Appleberry's Attic she was all for it and even dragged her cute family along for the ride.  Well, apparently that winter day it decided to actually be cold out, so there we all were outside in 18 degree weather at 5pm to get that great sunset light.  And we did get some great light, as well as a little cold - next winter I need to come up with some sort of gloves that will keep my hands warm and still be able to operate a camera!

Want your child's birth photographed?  She's your gal!

Sprout Arrives

A couple of months ago I posted maternity photos for an adorable family (titled Sprout), and recently I was able to go to their home to meet their new princess and take some photos of her.  I enjoyed both of these sessions because they are more the lifestyle type of photos, trying to capture people in their natural setting.  This family are friends of mine, so I got to "play" a little bit with the lifestyle shoot and try some different things out, so a big thanks to them and congratulations on their newest sweet pea!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Baby Shoes

I can't help it, I love baby shoes.  I know the whole concept of baby shoes for a non-walking child is ridiculous, but they are just so freaking cute!!

This adorable 6 month old (check out those blue eyes!!) had some pretty sweet kicks to go with one of her outfits. Can't wait to see what mom brings for the 1 year photos!

I love getting mom in for a few photos too!