Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Baby C.

A quick post, since I'm so far behind in getting these done!  Another combo maternity and newborn session, and I just love the location!  Too bad it's their home otherwise I would be there all the time!  Maybe they will consider renting it out...  :)

Baby came a little early...

Great Grandma got to hang out too :)

This kid isn't going to have much of a choice when it comes to cars.  Looks like it is already picked out for him.  Should be done by the time he is 16...  ;)

It's always so fun to meet the baby where the belly used to be!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Photog Friends

I recommend everyone have a photographer friend.  Why?  Because they are awesome (*wink*), and you know they will always make time to get you some family photos (bonus!).

One of my best photographer friends, who is also one of my greatest friends, and I have a swap where we take photos of each other's families.  Cool deal right?  Now I just hope she likes them.  So here you go Stace of Sunny Days Photography.  You can tell it to me straight when we talk later ;)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Remember Fall?

Wait, I suppose it is still technically fall, but now that it is dark at 2pm (or about) and there are no leaves on the trees, my brain gets confused.  Well, here's some fall color for you to enjoy tonight.  It's kind of nice I get to look at fall photos over the next couple of months while I catch up on some blog posts.  So I guess that's a win for you too :)


There weren't any streetcars, even though it was an old brick street, and I wasn't yelling it with the same amount of passion as Marlon Brando, but I did say Stella quite a bit for this session.  My version of yelling "Stella" included squeaky toys and making funny sounds, but hey, whatever works to get some doggy eye contact.  This Stella definitely has star quality!