Tuesday, November 26, 2013


One of the best symbols of fall is the apple.  I am lucky to live near a few apple orchards (like Deer Lake Orchard) where you can pick some of the delicious apple varieties.    I'm a big fan of Honeycrisp, also apple crisp ;)

If you happen to have an apple tree in your yard all the better.  That way when you have a photo session at your house you can snack and use them for fun photo props!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Birthday Banner

This cutie turned 1 earlier this fall and had an awesome photo session to celebrate!  I just love all the colors, and I don't think he stopped smiling for a second.  And how cute is that banner?!  In case you want one of your own here is the fantastic Etsy shop by Lori Savage: shopthefeltmarket


Little known fact about me, I was a member of the University of Minnesota rowing club part of my freshman year.  I loved rowing on the Mississippi River in the fall (beautiful colors!) but I was not a fan of 5 am workouts and torn up hands.  I'd like to think I did a pretty decent job as the 8 seat in my novice boat, but who knows.  Once winter came around I got pretty sick of "the erg" (aka rowing machine) so I bailed.  Pretty lame I know.  My rowing career lasted a semester.

Although I only made it to one regatta I'd still like to say I have some ties to the sport, that's why this senior session was so much fun for me!  This senior was a member of a rowing club in St. Paul, MN so I got to visit the boathouse and hang out.  Just like old times :)  And check out that view....

We are going to have a high of 15 degrees here in Minnesota tomorrow (COLD!) so today was the perfect day to think warm thoughts and blog a summer wedding!  The Dellwood Country Club was a wonderful backdrop for a beautiful day!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cold Weather, Happy Faces

It is almost Thanksgiving and I still haven't had my family photos taken!  Outfits are ready and hopefully we all stay healthy until this weekend so I can finally check pictures off my to-do list.  I'm looking forward to finally finishing up my Christmas presents - mini photos albums for the grandparents!  (If you are curious about ordering some just let me know!)

Lots of families were way more on top of it than me this year and got photos out of the way earlier, and some even braved pretty cold weather but you can hardly tell by all the happy faces.  :)