Friday, May 30, 2014

Save Turtley

Today was a big day with my almost kindergartner's first field trip and I was really excited to share some alpaca photos with everyone, but then we had another big evening event take place so that is going to take over my personal slide-show for today!

For some reason a painted turtle made it's way into our yard this evening and my husband managed to see it scooting through the grass in our front yard and caught it.  There are plenty of ponds near us but there are at least two streets the turtle would have to cross to get to them, not to mention quite a few blocks of trespassing through yards.  So after the kids' baths they got to inspect the surprise visitor, although I seemed to be the only one the turtle hissed at, and then we set off on a little road trip to take our turtle friend, now named Turtley, to his/her new home!  After we let him/her go Turtley kept an eye on us for a long time and only after a couple of minutes completely disappeared into the water - I think that was a pretty cool Thank-You.

Turtley's new home!!

Turtley swimming and looking at us.  And even as the mosquitos bit us we waited until he went underwater before we left :)

Baby H. - 1 Yr!

It's always hard to believe a year has gone by when one of my "Grow" package babies has their 1 yr session!  For this little cutie we made sure to include her furry siblings in both her newborn session and 1 yr.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Minnehaha Creek

If you are familiar with the Twin Cities then you have most likely heard of Minnehaha Falls which is a popular park in Minneapolis because of it's big waterfall, a pretty awesome dog park, as well as beautiful spots for photos.  The Minnehaha Creek leading up to "the falls" has a lot of great spots along the way that I haven't ever really explored, so it was fun to discover a cute little spot for some family photos!

Monday, May 26, 2014

College Visit

Over this Memorial Day weekend we took a quick trip to visit my old college campus in Minneapolis.  It's hard to believe I graduated from the University of Minnesota 12 years ago! My kids weren't as impressed, but for me it was a fun trip down memory lane!!

How my kids really felt about the trip....

How my kids felt after being bribed with Annie's Parlour ice cream malts...