Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cute Little Nephew

My little nephew turns 2 this fall and he is so cute, and also very loud!  Ha!  The best is when he comes running to me yelling "Auntie!" so of course he gets extra squeezes from me when he comes in for pictures :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rivers Edge Commons Park

This is officially the most intimate wedding I have been a part of and it was such a wonderful event at the Rivers Edge Commons Park in Elk River.  There were 6 people in attendance - the bride, the groom, the bride's parents, the justice of the peace, and moi :)  Such a fantastic couple and the perfect wedding for them, even with a spattering of rain drops.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall Prevention

Today is the first day of fall, aka autumn, aka the autumnal equinox (thanks dad for drilling that into my head as a kid).  Equal parts day and night mean we are only getting less time to take photos outside which is such a bummer!  Even with that bummer part about short days I absolutely love fall - the colors, the temps, and I just stocked up on some pumpkin spice chai and hot chocolate.

Today is also Fall Prevention day, which I can thank my Elk River YMCA monthly calendar for bringing to my attention.  I can't help but spin off the coincidence that Fall Prevention day just happens to fall (no pun intended) on the autumnal equinox, and do my part for some "fall prevention".  Of course no one wants to see me trying to prevent fall so I made my kids do it, ha!  It was the perfect day to take a walk and do our part to prevent fall from arriving with a little glue, some green markers and paint.  I think my kids have their work cut out for them :)

Lily didn't participate although she did require a bath!

This may take a little more time...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

One of the best parts of my job is being able to see the same kids and families every year and seeing those little babies grow up so fast!  Remember this cutie when he turned 1?  Well he officially turned 2 and is going to be a big brother soon!  For his 2 yr old photos he brought along his fancy dog (who tried to do some hunting during our photo session), and his favorite thing in the world - his bike :)