Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fall Session - Wayzata

So many adorable kids at this photo session!  We found a perfect little spot along Minnehaha Creek and enjoyed some late day sunshine for the three cousins and their families.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

This was such a fun session with these two cuties and their mom!  And I think this was my first session with a horse - not sure how that hasn't happened before :)  Of course we had to get some photos in Halloween costumes since that is just around the corner.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This fall I just couldn't get enough of Eastman Nature Center but I will say it was sad to see all the leaves fall the last few weeks.  I can't wait to get back there next year!

One of my last sessions there this fall was a wonderful family and we had to include a few extra photos of the recent 2 yr old cutie!

Meadowvale Heights Park - Fall Session

Another wonderful fall session with a fabulous family at a great Elk River area neighborhood park!  This session had everything - dancing, adorable kids, skipping, Game of Thrones, and some yoga :)