Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Couple of Couples

Today I noticed that I had forgotten to add "Couples" to the list in my gallery.  Well, in order to ensure that people know that I do photograph couples (and love every second!) I immediately went into my blog code to change that.  I'd like to think that the C++ I was forced to take in college is finally paying off, but really it was just an easy copy and paste procedure.

And now to share some photos from a couple of recent Couple photo sessions (no pun intended)  :)

Sara and Nate are getting married in 2012 so this was part of their engagement photo session.  We went to St. Anthony Main and got a bunch of photos taken right before a thunderstorm rolled in - perfect timing!  Aren't they a cute couple?!  And smart too - they are both in med school!

Theresa and Nic were celebrating their anniversary so we had a fun photo shoot that included chickens!   It was a HOT day, so everyone was sweating, but we were having so much fun that we hardly noticed.    You may have noticed their smiling faces on my blog slideshow header, but I wanted to share some more...

If you are interested in a "couple" photo session please contact me!


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