Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Have a great Halloween and watch out for zombies!!  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rainbow Bright

Yes, I am dedicating a post to Rainbow Bright since I was re-introduced to her last weekend at a family photo session!  Rainbow was in demand between these two sisters, and who wouldn't be happy holding Rainbow!?  So colorful and sparkly...  I think I may need to do some ebay searching :)

Luckily Rainbow had time for both girls, even though there was some tug-of-war a few times.

In case you weren't a child of the 80's, let me introduce Rainbow Bright...

Little sister snuck a turn holding Rainbow.  Notice the smiles that result :)

Rainbow made it into quite a few family photos too!

Dad to the rescue!

One more turn for little sister while mom tells of all the fabulous cartoon adventures Rainbow had :)

And just because I love these photos, another great example of how you know kids are done taking pictures!!  (and Rainbow is in this one too!)

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's Getting Colder Outside!

I declare that it is finally hot chocolate season!  And don't forget about hot apple cider!!  So many yummy warm things to drink.

I could have used some hot beverages last weekend with the colder temps and the wind blowing!  I met up with this cute little family on a windy, chilly day, and even their little daughter did great in the conditions - all to catch some of the last bit of fall colors.  She was a little explorer picking up sticks, looking for rocks, and ready to blaze a trail through the high grass.

Now go get a cup of your favorite hot beverage and enjoy these photos!

This is the biggest rock EVER!!!  :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Mini Sessions

Last weekend I had my mini session day at Doris A. Kemp Park in Champlin, MN.  The weather was perfect!!  I maybe missed the peak colors by a few days, but all in all, I would say it was a success.

I wanted to share some of my favorite photos from the sessions.  Also, would there be any interest in mini session dates during other times of the year?  Winter? Spring?  I'd love to hear feedback, so leave a comment on my blog to let me know.  Thanks!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Romie!  He is just a wonderful, sweet little guy!!  Romie has a human angel who rescued him from a high kill shelter in California and shipped him to Minnesota to help him find a new family.  You would never know it from the photos but Romie is pretty much blind.   He was unsure of the leaves during his photo shoot but he wasn't nervous and "looked" at the camera when I said his name.  He is a fabulous dog and would love to have a home where he can relax as a lap warmer :)

You can find adoption information for Romie at the Small Dog Rescue site!

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's Fall!

After a great "vacation" (I use quotation marks since my kids were with) in upstate NY, I came back to MN to enjoy some of the beautiful fall colors!  In the last couple of weeks the leaves have been changing color, and although the weather has been warm, it has been great for photos.  I know we need rain so I'm hoping we get a good soaking during the week since next weekend I have my mini sessions!  And I'm hoping the fall colors hold out a bit more before everything turns brown :(

Here are some photos of a fabulous family at a park near their home.  I love finding these little park gems!

The thinking behind these shots was to capture dad and son walking across the bridge, then mom and daughter.  Well, one worked out anyway :)

Too much cuteness!!

Yay!  We're done with photos!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Susan Paschal - fabulous yoga teacher!
Congress Park - Saratoga Springs, NY
Sept 26, 2011

Every other yoga photo I took that day is blah compared to these two!  I just love these - so inspiring!!
And don't forget about your toes!!  ;)

Monday, October 3, 2011


I had a chance to meet Cooper the other day, along with his adorable mom!  Cooper is a beautiful piebald (coloring) long haired mini dachshund, just in case you were wondering :)  Cooper was so sweet and I had such a fun time taking photos of him and all of his tricks!

Cooper had a lot of energy to burn!!

Cooper's tricks...

Awww, puppy love :)

Saratoga Springs, NY

It's already been a week since our family visit/vacation to Saratoga - one of my favorite places ever!  And I don't even have family there :)  It was a place I lived, met my husband, met some wonderful lifelong friends, and it's the town I took my first baby home too (dog and human).  Lots of great memories and I hope to keep visiting!

My first full day there I got to take some photos for some friends, and friends of friends, in Congress Park.  Here are some photos of Congress Park, a place I used to walk my dog almost every day!

This first spring in Congress Park has super yummy water and was a perfect water stop for any occasion.

Canfield Casino - the old casino building.

Spit and Spat water fountain.  Not sure where the name comes from...

Here are some of the photos I took that morning of some adorable families and kids!

Thanks again to everyone that day for coming out even with the chance of rain!  Maybe next year we will have even nicer weather ;)

And to end this post I just wanted to share a few more photos of some of the places I love in Saratoga...

Another spring in Saratoga Springs!  There are a bunch more, I just didn't get to them.

I have always loved this building, and the gumbo is pretty good too :)

Saratoga State Park - where a lot of the old bath houses are

We didn't make it to Vermont on a drive like I wanted, but I feel like I almost got there when I look at this photo from our apple picking trip.

If you are out east and want a fun place to visit, make sure to check out Saratoga Springs!  I can give you a list of the best places to eat too!!  :)