Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Rats!

When I offered holiday/winter mini sessions who knew I would get a booking for a couple of pet rats?!  I'm an animal lover so even though I had never really met a domestic rat, I was up for the challenge!  It turns out rats are bigger then I thought, but they are also cuter, and sweeter too.  I also learned that peanut butter is a tasty treat that helps them sit still for a while :)

If you aren't a rat fan, here's a cute photo to start you off...

See, that wasn't so bad!  Now you can scroll down for more cute rat photos!  
There is even an outtake at the end :)

With mom <3

I learned a bit about rat wrangling too!


candace said...

Rats? Now, there's a photo op that I didn't anticipate!! :) You did a nice job and your photos convinced me that rats can be cute after all.

KME Photography said...

I feel the need to watch Ratatouille :)

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