Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

This year we have an extra 24 hrs to enjoy.  I feel like I should be doing something to really 'carpe diem' this occasion, but with a snowstorm last night, and 2 little kids, I take what I can get.

My to-do list for my extra day this year (in random order):

- drink coffee
- clean the fishtank
- clean the bathrooms
- workout
- play in the snow with the kids (dog included)
- figure out what to make for dinner (pizza?)
- drink hot chocolate
- edit
- blog post
- watch Modern Family (today is Wednesday isn't it??)
- more laundry, blerg

So here is the blog post!  A sweet baby newborn girl :)

Now I need to go and clean the fishtank.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Watch Me Grow

I mentioned in an earlier post about offering Watch Me Grow sessions this year so that you can capture your little(s) one at different month intervals (3, 6, 9, 12 months) during their first year.  I wanted to make it official with a post of it's own, and I have also ordered some advertising to go along with it:

Again, this pricing is only available for 2012 since I am testing the waters to see if people are actually interested.  If I get enough interest I will add this to my pricing list in 2013.

As I mentioned in my previous post, if you start these sessions in 2012 but end in 2013, the 2012 pricing will be honored, you just need to have at least the 3 month session in 2012.    I will not discount for missed sessions - meaning, if you choose to have only three sessions I will not refund for the missed session.

Newborn sessions are not included in this package.

Any questions, let me know!  And if you want one, or a few, of these cards to hand out, I'll make sure you get some :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Boy and His Airplane

When I had kids I decided I wasn't going to push the boy toys for a boy, or the girl toys for a girl, so when my son took an interest in cars and motorized toys early on I was amazed!  It's funny how he automatically tried making that "vroom" noise that apparently only boys can do, because I've tried and I suck at it.

My daughter on the other hand, has a big brother to copy, so although she adores her soft, fluffy stuffed animals (which my son could care less about), I have also caught her playing with cars and "driving" them on the walls or floor.  It's all very cute stuff!

I had 9 month old M. come to the studio for some photos recently and he brought along a cool old airplane.  He had a great time playing with it and you couldn't ask for a cuter kid, or prop!  M. has been in the studio before with his two canine siblings (you can see a photo if you watch the slideshow at the top of my website), but I realized I never did an actual blog post of that session.  Hopefully when I get some time I can share those photos with you too!

Getting some reassurance from mom  :)


Friday, February 17, 2012

Mini Sessions and Other Deals

Mini Sessions (March-April 2012)

Originally I was planning on having a day set aside for some Easter themed mini sessions, but between sick kids and other projects I never got around to settling on a day.  Instead I came up with another idea that may work, so here's the plan right now:

6 mini sessions available - 30 min session - $60  
Book between March 3 -April 28 (limited availability)
Password protected gallery to choose 10 edited images for a CD - option to purchase more 
Preferred in studio, but will go on location in the NW area of the Twin Cities (contact me if you have questions - I'd like to stick within a 25 min drive from my studio)

Once the mini sessions are booked that's it for the next couple of months.  I thought this might provide a little more flexibility to some people instead of just having all the sessions on one day.
My studio is small and can accommodate 2-3 kids and/or pets easily.  If you are looking at an outdoor location please note that things may still be pretty brown and bare in April.  I was looking at photos from the first weekend in May last year and the trees were still bare, with a little green on the ground.
These mini sessions do not apply towards newborn sessions.

Watch Me Grow Sessions (I'm still not set on the name - maybe "Baby Steps"?)

So the other deal I have been thinking about has to do with photos to capture the littlest addition (or additions - up to 2) to your family.  The Grow package is to photograph your baby at different months during their first year.  I've had a couple of requests for this so I am going to offer a deal this year and see if it is something I should add to my official price list for 2013.  This is what the package would include if you book this during 2012:

$250 (same price for one baby or twins)
3 month - 30 min session, 10 edited images
6 month - 30 min session, 10 edited images 
9 month - 30 min session, 10 edited images 
1 yr - 45 min session, 15 edited images 
In studio (Elk River)
Password protected gallery, option to purchase more images
$175 down at first session, remainder ($75) at 1 yr session

This does not include a newborn session.  If you wanted to combine a newborn session with this Grow package send me a note and we can figure something out.
Also, if you book during 2012, but your peanut turns 1 in 2013, I would honor this pricing if at least one Grow session happens during 2012.
I don't mind doing these on location, but I would have to adjust the pricing for that.

Other Thoughts...

I'd really love to do something geared towards people and their furry family members!  Maybe not until it is nicer outside, for all those bigger dogs, but I'm looking to see if there is any interest.  Also, I'd love to hear your ideas of photo sessions you would like to see with your pet, so please let me know!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine Sweetness

February 14th has rolled around again!  I love an excuse to eat chocolate, or any candy for that matter - except for black licorice, that stuff is gross.

I've been saving some of the photos from the Valentine mini sessions to post now.  I am even posting a day early because I just can't help myself!

Wishing you all a fun and sweet Valentine's Day!

And a Happy Valentine's Day from my kids too :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nest Building Fun

My son relocated all of his bedding today right in front of the door to make a "nest".  His sister thought it was a pretty cool idea and tried to get in on the fun, and then our little doxie wanted in too!!

I've been wanting to try out this "blog board" template for a while so this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

The whole gang at work!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Hat Weather (and fun with confetti!)

I was so happy today because I got a chance to take some photos outside!  It was kind of a brown, dirty, dreary day, but this little girl was bright, cheerful, and colorful!  She is my adorable little neighbor and we had fun trying out some cute hats from Knight Owl's Cozy Creations.

In the spirit of Valentine's Day they were hearts!