Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

This year we have an extra 24 hrs to enjoy.  I feel like I should be doing something to really 'carpe diem' this occasion, but with a snowstorm last night, and 2 little kids, I take what I can get.

My to-do list for my extra day this year (in random order):

- drink coffee
- clean the fishtank
- clean the bathrooms
- workout
- play in the snow with the kids (dog included)
- figure out what to make for dinner (pizza?)
- drink hot chocolate
- edit
- blog post
- watch Modern Family (today is Wednesday isn't it??)
- more laundry, blerg

So here is the blog post!  A sweet baby newborn girl :)

Now I need to go and clean the fishtank.


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