Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cute, Cute, Cute

A cute 18 month old
A cute dress (+ a cute outfit)
A cute Buzz Lightyear

Also, a very cute aversion to sand on the beach :)

Mother's Day Session

I offered two Mother's Day special sessions this year, and both of them were snatched up.  The first family to book one of the sessions has had a few sessions with me now, and it is so much fun to watch their little boy grow!  Such a great family, and dad even helped pick a few ticks off me - apparently massive amounts of bug spray even on clothes won't keep those suckers away.

Even though these were Mother's Day themed photos, it's not hard to tell how much this little boy loves his daddy!  Mom is pretty cool too though!!  Also, tractors are fun  :)


My attire on a regular day isn't too impressive.  In fact, if I make it out of workout/yoga clothes and into jeans on a day when I don't have photo sessions, I am pretty impressed with myself.  Why make more laundry?    It's kind of funny, since I have a closet full of "work clothes" back from my days before kids.  Now, all those Banana Republic and J. Crew clothes just wait around for the random days when I'm in the mood to wear them, or I actually have an outing to wear them too.

Some days I wish I was a bit more put together, but I'm just glad my fancy friends don't mind my grubbiness - love you guys!!  xoxo

Maybe because I'm so unfashionable is why I had so much fun at this prom photo session.  How fun to have photos taken before a big night out with friends, AND a fancy dress is involved!  This beautiful girl rocked her fancy dress!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I'd like to introduce Indy - a fun, loving Jack Russell Terrier who may just have springs in his paws!  That little guy can bounce!!
Indy loves attention and will constantly give you kisses to remind you that he is nearby.  He also has quite the smile :)

Check out Small Dog Rescue for information on how to take this handsome guy home!!

He knows tricks too!

Small Dog Rescue

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Country Cake Smash

It has been so nice to get out of the studio, now that everything is green and it is warm out.  One thing I do not like about getting out of the studio are the bugs - in particular ticks!  If I were shooting in an urban setting, well, I wouldn't have too much of a problem, but it appears that at the "barn area" the ticks have taken over.  Needless to say, I will be taking a hiatus from this location for a bit, unless someone is just dying to have their photos there ;)  When is tick season over anyway??

Lucky for my Mother's Day photo sessions, we didn't know the tick situation until it was too late.  We did manage to get some fun photos while we were there, followed by a thorough tick-check at home, or more then 1 if you are me!

Here is one session from my Mother's Day photo sessions that included a fun cake smash!!  How cute is that 1 yr old!

Cake smashing is serious business ;)

All cleaned up!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Barns and Baby Bump

If people want the "country" feel for photos, the old barn area is always a hot request!  It is a fun spot that offers a lot of different options, although I don't go in the buildings to much because they look like they could collapse at any moment!  Also, I think there are animals scurrying around in them too (yuck).

I had a beautiful maternity session there last weekend.  After all the rain, we had a gorgeous afternoon and some beautiful light.  I'm looking forward to meeting this couple's cute baby next month!!