It has been so nice to get out of the studio, now that everything is green and it is warm out. One thing I do not like about getting out of the studio are the bugs - in particular ticks! If I were shooting in an urban setting, well, I wouldn't have too much of a problem, but it appears that at the "barn area" the ticks have taken over. Needless to say, I will be taking a hiatus from this location for a bit, unless someone is just dying to have their photos there ;) When is tick season over anyway??
Lucky for my Mother's Day photo sessions, we didn't know the tick situation until it was too late. We did manage to get some fun photos while we were there, followed by a thorough tick-check at home, or more then 1 if you are me!
Here is one session from my Mother's Day photo sessions that included a fun cake smash!! How cute is that 1 yr old!
Cake smashing is serious business ;)
All cleaned up!!