Friday, May 4, 2012

Sweet Baby Cheeks

I just love baby cheeks!!  I can't help kissing them and nom-ing on them (if you are confused by the definition of 'nom' I would be happy to demonstrate using my 1 yr old, who has very nom-able cheeks!).
This cute little guy had some great cheeks, but that may have been because he was pushing about 2.5 weeks old when I got my photographer hands on him.  Not really old, per se, but enough time for him to bulk up a bit and hit a growth spurt.

Which reminds me to mention, newborn sessions are best in the first 2 weeks after birth, since they are sleepy little munchkins then.  Something to keep in mind if you were considering newborn photos :)   The scheduling didn't work out for the 2 week window with this little peanut, but we didn't have too much trouble getting this little guy to sleep - although it didn't hurt to have some milk and a space heater nearby!

Did I mention baby has an older brother?  Two cute boys in this family!!  :)


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