Wilbur is a 4 yr old Shih Tzu who, up until now, has had a pretty rough life as a puppy mill dog. He must have been through some harsh stuff because this guy is extra scared, and therefore will need extra patience and love from his adoptive home.
In case you are unfamiliar with puppy mills, it is where pet store dogs come from. I also recently learned that if a "breeder" will only meet you at a parking lot, or somewhere other then their home and where their dogs live, chances are they run a puppy mill as well. Why would they want to show people the horrible conditions that cute little puppy you are about to buy came from, because then they wouldn't make any money.
The parents of those cute little puppies you see in a pet store are horribly treated, starved, sometimes stuck in cages that cut and deform their legs, and the moms are sometimes bred so much that their bodies need so much calcium that it absorbs the teeth and jaw bone (Wilbur's foster parents adopted a dog that was bred for 10 yrs and had that happen). They are never bathed and are not treated for anything like infections, fleas, or any form of illness, and never loved or touched or petted by humans. That is why a lot of puppy mill dogs are so fearful, they have had no interaction with a human other then the food thrown at them and harsh words yelled at them. Who wouldn't be afraid of something like that?
Well that's why Wilbur is scared and afraid, but I think that with time to overcome some of his fears he will be a wonderful companion and friend. Such a sweet face....
Are you Wilbur's forever home?
Wilbur is available for adoption through Small Dog Rescue of Minnesota.
Just a note, everything I know about puppy mills is from what I have read, seen or heard about. I have never actually been to one - thank goodness! I would have probably bawled my eyes out.
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