Monday, October 22, 2012

This was just a beautiful wedding!  I loved the fall colors, the cute couple, and the wonderful weather!  So that's why I am posting way too many photos from this wedding :)

This was my last wedding of 2013 shooting with Chloe Photography, so a big thanks to her for letting me tag along on so many weddings this year and letting me pick her brain!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bad Weather?

After weeks of sun, my neck of the woods is finally getting some much needed rain - although this kind of messes up the whole outdoor fall photo idea.  The other weekend was booked with sessions and then when I looked at the forecast I was left with questions about what the weather was going to do and if we should reschedule.  Well, we decided to go for it (those weather people said only 15% chance), and I'm so glad we did because the sessions I had that day were great, and thanks to everyone who came out!  Just some misting, a little damp hair, and keeping kids out of puddles.  Otherwise it was a great day for photos!

I guess you can have some nice family photos in "bad weather" too.  :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

4 in the Wolf Pack

It seems like ages ago, August that is, when I met this pack.  Their human has rescued all three of these great dogs over the years, and they are such a fun bunch.  A few notes about our doggie centered session: the coon hound didn't let out his howl for me so I wasn't able to fully understand the decibel level he is able to attain (apparently they are LOUD);  the little guy fell into the pool once but he was swiftly rescued, hence his slightly soggy appearance;  the middle one was perfect, except for picking a fight with his brother (see last photo).

This was a really fun session with some pretty cute dogs!!  If you are interested in adopting from a rescue, or even fostering, and don't know where to start, I am happy to put you in the right direction.  :)

You guys, it's just a tennis ball. 


I love how sumac surprises us every fall.  All summer it is just another green plant and then fall rolls around and BAM, there's the sumac!
I think we almost done with the sumac color for the year (I'll miss you bright reds!), and now all those tree leaves are dropping pretty fast too.  Isn't it nice we can capture some of that color in photos so we can look at it all year long?  And you will have lots of fall color photo sessions to look forward to on this blog :)

Inspecting a snake.  Fall brings out those things too.