Sunday, October 14, 2012


We have a serious obsession at my house with pumpkins, and anything related to Halloween!  My 3.5 yr old insists on wearing skeleton pj's most days of the week, and we routinely need to stop and admire our neighbor's Halloween decorations since we are the lame people on the block who don't go all out and decorate.  BUT, we do have pumpkins!!  Apparently that is not enough for a preschooler though.

As I side-step another request to carve pumpkins again today (I mean, I had to get another blog post out right?) I hope everyone is enjoying these pumpkin filled fall days, and maybe carving your own pumpkins today.  Now who wants to carve me one??

It's only fitting these family photos now have some pumpkins in them.  And by that I mean pumpkins and cute kids :)


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