Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why I Like Newborn Photos In Your Home

I tried the whole studio newborn thing and turns out it really isn't my favorite.  There are a ton of reasons why studio newborn photos are great - you can control the lighting, the environment, and it is in the photographer's space so they know how to work it in the best way possible.  So why wouldn't I prefer that?  I mean those poses are adorable right?  I guess for me it comes down to a feeling.  I like knowing that 10, 20, 30 years later you will look at a photo of your baby when it was so little and you can say things like:

"See that blanket? That was your favorite.  You brought that everywhere with you until you were four."
"This was our first house and we worked so hard on that nursery when we found out we were having you."
"Remember our dog Zoe?  She was such a good girl when we brought you home from the hospital."

I love photos of baby with mom and dad as a new little family, photos of baby with pets, photos with siblings and photos of where you lived when baby came home for the first time.  I just think those will mean a lot down the road.

These photos here are just a small taste of why I love lifestyle photography.


Anonymous said...

Love these Kirsten. And you are totally right, these type of pictures are so much more meaningful and you do such a great job at them! ~Rebekiah~

KME Photography said...

Thanks Rebekiah :)

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