Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Penny's Puppies

My kids had a puppy playdate today!  My son was in puppy heaven and couldn't get enough of all the puppies hanging out in his lap.  My daughter on the other hand, well she is two.

Penny, who is the sweet mom of these fluff babies, came to Small Dog Rescue of Minnesota from a shelter days before she was due to have her babies.  Good thing she was saved because these puppies are the cutest!!

The puppies are almost 4 weeks old right now and will be available for adoption once they are 12 weeks.  Penny, who is just so sweet, will be available for adoption once she completes her heartworm treatment.

Told you he was excited :)

The best part of this photo are my daughter's legs.  Not sure what that was about...

Mama Penny in the foreground watching over her babies :)

This one is just so sweet of my little boy  <3

Here is a photo of what Penny looks like...

And the puppies when they were brand-spanking new!!


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