Saturday, April 12, 2014


If you follow my blog and Facebook posts you know by now I am a big fan of dogs.  Among some of the dog photos I share you may have seen foster dog photos from a few of the dog rescue groups in the area*, as well as any number of dog photos from family sessions because they are family members after all!

In a lot of cases a dog may have been your first "baby" and they become an integral part of the family unit.  When the time comes to say good-bye to your precious fur baby it can be a hard decision and maybe one of the most selfless decisions anyone can make.  Of course you want to keep them around forever, who wouldn't with those amazing eyes and happy tail wags, but ultimately you know you can't.  Knowing when the right moment is to say good-bye (for now, because I believe dogs will be in heaven) can be the hardest part and sometimes only the thought that your pup will no longer be in pain can help ease the process.

This family contacted me about family photos a week before saying good-bye to their first baby, Tasha, now 13 years old.  We had an amazing session where Tasha forgot her limitations and pain for a bit and was really able to enjoy the spring snow and act like a puppy, even for a short time.  It was such a happy session!

If you have heard the story A Dog's Purpose according a 6 year old (you can google that) then you know how perfectly it describes why our furry family members are only here on Earth for a short time.  To summarize the 6 yr old... people are born so that they can learn how to live a good life and learn to love everyone, but dogs already know how to do that so they don't have to stay as long.

Before you take a look at some of these happy family photos, if you find yourself in the position where you are getting ready for that good-bye and want to capture some photos like these, please send me an email and we will schedule your special reduced-rate session, even on short notice.

*If you foster a dog in the Twin Cities you can always contact me to set up a time for photos.  There is no cost as these photos will hopefully help your foster pup find his/her forever home!


Anonymous said...

Love. Love this so much.

Storaloppan said...

I love this so much. I'm sitting here, drinking my coffee and crying like a baby at the thought of that sweet dog. You gave this family a beautiful treasure by capturing the spirit and love of this dog. Love it.....

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