Sunday, December 16, 2012

Getting Ready for Christmas

I think I am done Christmas shopping.  Unless I forgot someone.  That would kind of suck.

Other things on my Christmas to-do list:

  • send out cards - done
  • get Christmas tree - done
  • wrap presents - save until last minute
  • decorate outside with lights - not happening because now it is too cold and there is snow
  • bake cookies - might not happen until Dec 23rd due to lack of oven (broken)
  • spend crazy amount of money on new computer (and oven) - done

In all the craziness of the holidays it's nice to take a moment and just relax, maybe do some yoga.  It's the perfect time of year for a yoga party too and I know just the gal for the job!  Check her out at Just Be Balanced and book her for an awesome yoga time.  Perfect any time of the year and I highly recommend her.

And now for the reason you came to my website - cute photos!!


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