I have done quite a few sessions at this old barn location in Rogers. Not only is it fairly close to me, it provides some great background year round. A lot of photographers use this spot, all knowing that the land must belong to someone. Well that "someone" has decided he/she does not like people milling about and doing suspicious activity on their land. Hey I get it, if someone gets hurt it's a big deal, that's why I have business insurance! Anyway, I do have to thank Crystal Johnson of
Photography Unscripted for clueing me in since apparently when she was doing a shoot there (for friends, luckily) a couple of cop cars surprised her. I'd prefer that not happen to me! So, I am saying good-bye to the "old barn area" unless I get motivated to find the owner and ask permission, but there are plenty of other great areas to use so I think I will be OK.
Here is one of the last sessions I did at the barn area this fall. Outtakes included at the end of this post because these kids are hilarious!
You probably thought that last photo was an "outtake", nope, I just like that one.
Here are my favorite Outtakes:
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